Thursday, September 27, 2012

COSI on Wheels

      COSI on Wheels out of Columbus presented an assembly on Friday, September 21st  for students in grades K-6.  Following the assembly, students participated in hands-on activities and experiments relating to chemistry.  A special thank you goes out to the many volunteers who helped with the stations.  The favorite station was the "slime making" station!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

5th Grade Field Trip to Brukner Nature Center

New Bremen 5th grade students visited Brukner Nature Center near Troy, Ohio for three days last week. The students examined and compared plants, animals, and insects in varying eecosystems at the center. Pictured below are students participating in classroom and nature center activities related to the field trip. The fifth grade teachers would like to thank the many volunteers and staff that made this learning experience possible.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Family Reading Night

On Tuesday, September 18th, parents and students in grades K-3 were invited to Family Reading Night at New Bremen Elementary.  Parents were given reading strategies of how they can help their children at home and updated on the reading program in the elementary grades.  Students participated in fun reading activities presented by teachers and high school helpers.  The evening was topped off with refreshments, jumping on the inflatable toys, and receiving door prizes donated by local businesses.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cardinal Pride Meeting

The Cardinal Pride Association met in the high school library Monday evening at 7:00 pm. Those in attendance were updated by administrators regarding current and upcoming school events, as well as, association business.  The association meetings are open to the public and active participation is not required. The Cardinal Pride Association would like to invite the community to attend the next meeting on November 12th at 7:00 pm in the New Bremen Elementary Library.


Friday, September 14, 2012

White-Boarding, A New Spin On an Old Method

Pictured is one of Mrs. Hegemier's 6th grade math classes using the white board method. Students in the picture are holding up the boards to display their group's answer. Teachers use white-boarding as a means to monitor student responses in a group setting. The teacher is able to determine if the class understands a certain concept or if additional instruction is needed for mastery.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Power of the Pen

Power of the Pen is a statewide, creative writing contest for students in grades 7 and 8.  This year New Bremen has chosen to include 6th graders in our club.  They will not be able to compete at the statewide competitions, but they will be active members of the local writing club, giving them another year of experience and practice before competing next year.  Meetings are held Wednesdays from 3:10 - 3:50. All writers are welcome.

Coaches - Kelli Tebbe & Shannon Pence

                                             Power of the Pen students at their first practice!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Patriot Day 2012

Students in kindergarten at New Bremen Elementary honored September 11th by dressing in red, white, and blue.
Mrs. Miller's Class

Mrs. Tebbe's Class

Mrs. Schmitmeyer's Class

Aullwood Audubon Center Visits New Bremen Elementary

Students in grades K-6 enjoyed an assembly presented by Aullwood Audubon Center out of Dayton.  During the assembly students learned about the process of photosynthesis and many of the animals we see in nature.  The learning continues throughout the week as each classroom visits Kuenning-Dicke Natural Area.  Students have the opportunity to explore nature in a hands-on environment close to home.  A special thank you goes out to Crown Equipment for sponsoring this educational opportunity for the students of New Bremen.