Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sectional Champs

Congratulation to our high school volleyball team on winning the sectional title. They will play again on Wednesday evening. 

Hands-on Comparison

Students in Mr. Messick’s 7th grade social studies class are constructing trebuchets. Trebuchets are ancient catapult type machines used by a military. The students will make comparisons between the technology of trebuchets and modern cannons to help explain the end of feudalism during the medieval time period.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fire Prevention Week

October 8-12 was Fire Prevention Week.  On Friday, members of the New Bremen Fire Department visited New Bremen Elementary to present to our students the importance of fire prevention and fire safety.  Their message for students was to remember was 3-2-1.  Three beeps of the smoke detector, two ways out, and one meeting place!  The kindergarten students enjoyed seeing the fire truck up close and operating the hoses.  Thank you to NBFD!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Caring for Carter

We recently held a day for showing support for Mr. Kanney and his son, Carter who has recently been diagnosed with Hunter's Syndrome.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Community Service - A Worthy Educational Experience

On a Saturday not too long ago, approximately 30 students participated in a New Bremen Town Council sponsored work day at Bremenfest Park. The students worked alongside other volunteers to preform ground maintenance tasks. The tasks included painting fences, mulching, cutting tree rings, and other miscellaneous items. (Pictured below are students working to complete various ground maintenance needs.) 

NHS Induction

On October 1, 2012 the New Bremen High School NHS had their induction ceremony. Here are some photos from the evenings festivities. Congratulations to all current and new members.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kindergarten Project Ease

The first Kindergarten Project Ease program of the year was held Tuesday, September 25th.  Students brought a parent or grandparent back to school in the evening for a special literacy activity.  For this session, students listened to a story about the gingerbread boy answered questions relating to story elements such as characters, setting, and sequence.  Students ended the evening by making their own gingerbread house with the help of their special adult.