Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sophomore Tri-Star Visits

On December 12th Sophomore Students at New Bremen High School had the opportunity to tour four different Tri-Star locations.  Tricia Wendel (HS Guidance Counselor) arranged for 57 students to tour the facilities. Students could choose among several different programs including: Business Management, Graphics, Interactive Media, Early Childhood Development, Automotives, Construction, Ag. Mechanics, Horticulture, Vet Tech, Biomedical and Electronics Technology, Med Prep, Precision Machining, and Welding.  Tri Star allows students the opportunity to participate in skill and service oriented programs.  Qualifying students can earn the opportunity to earn college credit or advanced college standing through articulation agreements with several area colleges.  Students interested in enrollment at Tri Star for their Junior or Senior year must see Tricia Wendel for an application.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Silent Night Game

New Bremen’s 2nd annual “Silent Night”
Basketball Game
Be a part of it all!
We’re starting a new tradition at NBHS!

For the Parkway basketball game on Friday, December 14, 2012 we are encouraging everyone to join us in a new, unique way of cheering on the Cardinals to a victory. In recognition of the holiday season, and since it is the only home game before Christmas, we would like to have a “Silent Night” game.

The details are listed below:

  • From the time the first second ticks off the clock of the Varsity game, all fans must be silent until the New Bremen Cardinals score their    6th point. When the 6th point is scored, everyone needs to
cheer thunderously from that point on!

  • In order to enhance unity across the fans, we have several unique activities we would like everyone to participate in!

Ø  We invite all fans to sing “Silent Night” between the 3rd and 4th quarter

Ø  We invite all fans “Jump and Go Crazy” with the Pep Band as they play “Mirror” during the 1st time out in the 4th Quarter

Ø  We encourage everyone to wear Christmas attire to the game! (Santa hats, Christmas sweaters, etc.)

Ø  Bring a non-perishable item to the game to donate to the less fortunate

If you would like to see more examples of this tradition, go onto and search “Taylor University Silent Night 2011”.

It would be greatly appreciated if everyone would participate
and cheer NBHS to a victory!

Friday, December 7, 2012

First Grade Skypes With Key West Aquarium

On December 5th, first grade students Skyped with Key West Aquarium as an extension to the story Fun With Fish which they were reading in class.  They were able to learn about and see different sea creatures including sea stars, turtles, stingrays, nurse sharks, and alligators.  A question and answer session allowed the students to ask various questions about what other animals are at the aquarium and what various animals eat.  This was a great opportunity for our students to go on a "virtual field trip".  Check out the short video clip from their skype session.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Exploration Academy

Our freshman, as well as, those from Minster and New Knoxville participated in the Exploration Academy at the YMCA on Tuesday.  It was a great experience for them to see local career possibilities for their future endeavors. They met with several local professionals to learn more about possible career choices. It was great career counseling and they learned a lot.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Kuenning-Dicke Park Mural Presentation

On Friday, November 30th, Chris and Tom from the Aullwood Audubon Nature Center out of Dayton visited New Bremen Elementary to help present the completed mural of Kuenning-Dicke Park to our K-6 students.  This was the culminating project of our nature walks earlier this fall.  Our students did a wonderful job creating the mural.  The mural will be displayed outside of the elementary office.