Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Dressed for Success" Mock Interviews at NBHS

February 27, 2013

There was an air of excitement about the high school Wednesday morning, with many of the students “dressed for success”, when several area business representatives arrived at New Bremen High School to conduct mock interviews for the senior class. These interviews are arranged to give students practice in a situation most of them will face in their futures- interviewing for a scholarship, college, or job. The students researched and prepared for these interviews well in advance. After practicing with friends, family, and classmates, students were prepared for a “real world” job interview, some of them for the first time ever. One senior, Samantha Luedeke, reported, “I was really nervous all week for this. But after the first question, I felt really confident- I think it went really well.” This mimics the mind-set of many of the students throughout the day- a growing confidence in themselves and excitement for the future. Overall, the day was a great success thanks to the hard work of the students, faculty and staff, parents, and volunteers who work together to push students to achieve their highest potential.

Volunteers this year included: Scott Frey, Executive Director at Southwestern Auglaize County Chamber of commerce; Angela Hamberg, New Bremen Economic Development Director; Renea Woeste, Crown Equipment; Jase Barhorst, Crown Equipment; Michelle Suchland, Thieman Stamping; James Gilberg, Gilberg Furniture; Kami Fox, Board of Education president for New Bremen Schools; and Howard Overman, superintendent of New Bremen Schools. 

Feedback from the Interviewers:
It was an excellent experience!  I was really impressed with all of the candidates I interviewed.  You, your fellow educators, and their parents should be proud of the work that was put into educating and raising these fine young men and women. -James Gilberg

I walked in with no expectations, but left feeling inspired by the students.  It made me aware of the quality of students in our community and hear about the values they hold dear to them. –Angela Hamberg

Great. I was surprised at how well prepared the kids were. I could not believe how active some of them are with 20+ hours of work and all the volunteering. All in all, I was very impressed. Very well prepared, and the majority of them really had their ducks in a row. New Bremen Schools should be proud. – Jase Barhorst

It was a GREAT morning with some very impressive students! -Scott Frey

Overall the students did a great job presenting themselves and verbalizing their responses. – Howard Overman

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Team of the Week!

The NBHS Basketball Team was presented their JJ Huddle Team of the Week Award for Week 8. Kudos to Coach Dougherty and the Team. Good Luck in Tournament!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Congressional Bronze Medal

What a great experience for Bennett Staton today to be honored for all his hard-work and discipline, or as Congressman Jim Jordan's High School Wrestling Coach stated, "Discipline, doing what you don't want to do, when you don't want to do it."

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Next Chapter...

Feb 20th/21st all of our high school students will hear keynote speaker, Grant Baldwin talk about "Being a Difference Maker," then there will be breakout sessions for Juniors entitled, "What the heck am I going to do with my life," and for Seniors entitled, "Reality Check." Seniors will then receive further information on finances, wellness, safety, student life, and other topics to prepare them for life after high school, as well as, hear from former graduates in a peer panel.

Feb 20th-7pm. ZEAL COACHING will be in the Auditorium to present College Success for Parents:More than wishful thinking! This will help parents prepare for the next chapter of their life as well as their son or daughters.

A special thanks goes out to the New Bremen Foundation for organizing this upcoming event.