Thursday, April 18, 2013

Study Island Challenge

iPad Winner
Throughout the last seven months the learning lab at New Bremen High School held a contest called the Study Island Challenge.  Students had the opportunity to earn several chances to be entered into a drawing for a new iPad.  Study Island is a tool that helps students prepare for the Ohio Graduation Tests, ACT, SAT, and AP tests.  As students’ would progress throughout their chosen topic they earn blue ribbons for successful completion of that topic.  For each blue ribbon a student earned he/she was entered into the drawing.  Weekly prizes were awarded to the student who received the most blue ribbons, as well as, one student picked at random draw from the collection of blue ribbon winners.  On April 17th at an assembly on internet safety; Dion Hoehne was selected from 3431 names as the winner of the iPad.  Special thanks to PLATINUM Auto for donating the iPad as well as New Bremen Coffee shop for donating certificates for weekly prizes.  These contests would not be possible without their support.